
When will the photos be ready?

You will have your images within 3 business days of your event or function.

Can images be ready the same night for media?

I can provide a quicker turnaround, usually within 24 hrs, if requested.

Do you sell photos on-site?

Not currently.

Are the photos edited?

Yes, I edit all photos to provide the highest quality results. At a minimum, editing includes color correction, contrast, noise removal and sharpening.

How many images will we get?

You can get up to 1000 images if required, but usually I make a selection to make your marketing and social media simpler. The selection will match your necessities and preferences.

How is the payment processed?

50% is required to book. The other 50% is due the day of the event.


How many images will I get?

During the session, I’ll take around 40 images for each person. Within 2 business days, you can review the images in a web gallery and select your favorite 5 images. I’ll then edit the selected photos and deliver them electronically within 2 business days.

What I should wear?

Clothing - When choosing your clothes, think about how the resulting photo will be used; how formal do you want to look? For corporate photos, consider consistency. High contrast combinations, such as a dark jacket and tie with a white shirt work well, as do a distinctive scarf of accessories against a light top. Avoid pastel tones and patterns. Hair & Make-up - Women get the best results with freshly styled hair and professional natural matte make-up. Men get the best results with a recent haircut and a fresh shave.

Do you retouch the portraits?

I retouch all corporate and creatives portraits after agreeing on the level of retouching that you'd like utilise to enhance the image. I usually do a light to medium retouching and avoid any unrealistic skin retouching (sorry it is not my style). I like to finalise the images with a slight whitening of the eyes and teeth, blemish removal and general retouch for a polished and flattering result.

How is the payment process?

Payment for individual headshots are generally made on the day of the shoot. Payment on completion by invoice or purchase order is also available by prior arrangement.